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Let’s Get Healthy

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.
Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

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REVIVE programme
2,500£REVIVE your inner sparkValid for 3 months- I'm a benefit
- I'm a benefit
- I'm a benefit
REVIVE Coaching
1,250£Transformational coaching packageValid for 6 weeks- I'm a benefit
- I'm a benefit
- I'm a benefit
- I'm a benefit
REVIVE kick-starter
750£3 x 1-2-1 sessions to kick-start your transformationValid for 3 monthsREVIVE
2,500£a 12-week online group programme for heart-led women leadersValid for 3 months- REVIVE - 12-week online group programme
12 x 121 sessions
2,700£Learn to THRIVEValid for 6 months- THRIVE
3 Session BOOST 121
750£Transformational 3 x121 sessions starter packageValid for 3 months- Consultation
THRIVE 12 x sessions
2,250£12 x 121 transformational sessionsValid for 6 monthsTransformational 10 x 121 sessions
1,500£10 x sessions to transform your self-worth.Valid for 3 months- 121 Transformational sessions
Find out if I am the right fit for you - let's chat!
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