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Lis often features in the media - on TV and radio shows, podcasts and featured in national newspapers and magazines. She speaks about self-worth, self-forgiveness and empowering women.
Steph's Packed Lunch
Lis appeared on the Channel 4 UK lunchtime show 'Steph's Packed Lunch' - talking about Self-forgiveness
Lis's story featured in a BBC Ideas film around Self-forgiveness
Lis Cashin spent decades blaming herself for the accidental death of her friend. Here, she explains how she was able to forgive herself.
Lis's story was featured in The Guardian newspaper Experience section
Lis was featured in Woman Magazine to highlight her story 'From tragedy to triumph', helping to highlight #mentalwellbeing and how we can't change our past, but we can change the impact it has on our future. #mentalhealth
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